This Django Template Tag is Killing Your Performance

While working on a new project today, I noticed that rendering a particular part of a template was unusually slow. The issue was traced to a QuerySet being passed through the length template filter:

{% if BlaBla.all|length == 5 %}  
{% endif %}

When I checked the implementation of the length filter, I saw that it simply passes the given value to Python's len function (source):

def length(value):  
    """Returns the length of the value - useful for lists."""  
        return len(value)  
    except (ValueError, TypeError):  
        return 0

This is where the trouble begins. If you use len() on a QuerySet, it fetches all the rows from the database, converts them into a list in memory, and then calculates the length of that list. This can cause significant performance issues with large tables, both in terms of memory usage and database server load.

Using Sqldebugshell, I observed the query executed by the len function on a QuerySet:

In [6]: len(BlaBla.objects.all())  

SELECT `c..`.`id`,  
FROM `channel_customstream`

As you can see, it retrieves all columns for every row in the model, causing unnecessary data to be loaded.

In contrast, the count() method allows QuerySet objects to run a COUNT query directly on the database:

In [5]: CustomStream.objects.count()  

FROM `channel_customstream`

Key Takeaway

Do not use the length template filter if you expect it to execute a database COUNT query. It doesn’t. Instead, explicitly use the count() method for QuerySet objects to avoid unnecessary memory usage and database overhead.
