Handling Non-Turkish Characters in Forms: A Pythonic Approach

Recently, I faced a task where I needed to raise an error if any non-Turkish characters were present in a form input. To address this, I started with the simplest approach: creating a list of Turkish characters manually. If the input contained characters outside this list, an error would be raised. Here's a snippet of my initial implementation:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def turkish_chars_validator(string):
    turkish_chars = 'ABCÇD...'
    # Logic for validation

The Problem with Hardcoding Turkish Characters

However, my team lead pointed out an issue: our project avoids specifying # -- coding: utf-8 -- at the top of files. Including it often leads to Turkish docstrings and comments creeping into the project, which we wanted to avoid for consistency.

This led me to think there must be a library in Python that handles Turkish characters, especially since localization libraries often include methods and variables for such tasks. My initial thought was to check the string module, which has a letters variable that adapts to the current locale.

Experimenting with the locale Module

Using the locale module, I tested this approach:

from locale import LC_ALL, setlocale
from string import letters

setlocale(LC_ALL, 'tr_TR.utf8')

To my surprise, the output did not include Turkish-specific characters despite setting the locale to tr_TR.utf8. When I tried Turkish_Turkey.1254, the output was closer but still contained unexpected characters:


This approach turned out to be unreliable for my requirements. Furthermore, using setlocale in a Django project can lead to significant issues, as noted in Python's documentation:

It is generally a bad idea to call setlocale() in some library routine, since as a side effect it affects the entire program. Saving and restoring it is almost as bad: it is expensive and affects other threads that happen to run before the settings have been restored.

The Final Solution

After trying a few more methods, including regular expressions, I settled on a simple and effective solution. I manually defined the Turkish alphabet as a Unicode string, ensuring it was consistent and covered all cases. Here's the final implementation:


def invalid_chars(text, charset=alpha):
    return set(filter(lambda c: c not in charset, list(text)))

Lessons Learned

When solving problems, the simplest solution is often the best. Overcomplicating problems is a trap that many engineers, including myself, sometimes fall into. In this case, returning to basics provided a straightforward and reliable fix.
